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256 GUIDES Why Gauge Isn't Always Important. Film thickness is no longer a satisfactory standard for judging overall strength. The development of improved LLDPE resin in the liner industry has completely changed the standard method for selecting the correct can liners. These materials have allowed manufacturers to produce thinner, lighter trash bags which are stronger and more durable than the thicker bags previously made from low density res'' This is why gauge is no longer an effective way to determine liner strength. Instead of stating actual thickness, it is now generally accepted to use terminology such as "Light", "Medium", "Heavy" and "Extra Heavy". (See comparison table.) General Industry Linear Low Density Old Low Density Strength Rating MIL Thickness Range Strength Rating Light (L) .35 to .50 1.25 Medium (M) .45 to .75 1.5 Heavy (H) .60 to 1.0 2.0 Heavy Plus (H+) .74 to 1.3 2.5 Extra Heavy (XH) .90 to 1.5 3.0 Extra Extra Heavy (XXH) 1.3 to 2.0 4.0 Each manufacturer has its own blend formulations, so the proportions of these materials vary from one producer to another. The best way to determine the correct liner is to actually test some suggested samples. Definitions It's important to know a little bit about what can liners are actually made of, and how thicknesses are measured. That way, you can determine which of the polyethylene resins and liner gauges will work best for your particular application. Resin - The basic raw material from which can liners are made. There are three types of resins: Low Density, Linear Low Density and High Density Polyethylene. Linear Low Density Polyethylene - This resin is highly puncture and tear resistant. These properties make this the best choice for applications where additional strength and stretch are required. Works well for waste with sharp or jagged edges. High Density Polyethylene - Liners made from this resin are generally available in lower gauges and are more temperature resistant. Low Density Polyethylene - This is an older resin still used mainly in lower end liners. It has largely been replaced by Linear Low Density Polyethylene. Post-Consumer and Post-Industrial Polyethylene - This is made from recycled post-consumer plastics, such as milk jugs and industrial scraps. These are reprocessed and blended with other types of resins. Gauge - A term used to describe the thickness of a liner. Linear Low Density liners are measured in MILs, while High Density liners are generally measured in microns. MIL - Measurement based on thousandths of an inch (.000). Common Linear Low Density liners range from .35 to 2.0 MIL in thickness. Micron - Based on one-hundred thousandths of an inch (.000000). High Density liners usually range from 6 to 24 microns in thickness. Useful Formulas MILs into Microns MIL Thick Approx. Micron 0.23 6 0.27 7 0.31 8 0.35 9 0.39 10 0.43 11 0.47 12 0.51 13 0.55 14 0.59 15 0.62 16 0.66 17 0.70 18 0.74 19 0.78 20 0.82 21 0.86 22 0.90 23 0.94 24 0.98 25 How to Convert Microns to MILs Divide the micron by 25.4 to arrive at true MIL thickness. How to Convert MILs to Microns Multiply the MIL by 25.4 to arrive at true micron thickness. How to Figure Case Weights Linear Low Length x Width x MIL ÷ 15= lbs./1000 bags High Density Length x Width x MIL ÷ 15= lbs./1000 bags CIRCUMFERENCE DIAMETER CIRCUMFERENCE Bag Width: Use 1/2 of the outer circumference of the container. Bag Length: The height of the container, plus 1/2 of the diameter of the container bottom, plus 3'' (for overhang). For square or rectangular containers, use the diagonal of the container bottom rather than the diameter. Measuring For Correct Liner Size Can Liner Sizing Guide DIAGONAL

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